Thursday, June 30, 2011

Potty Training..... Day 4

Well PRAISE THE LORD.... Reed has gone to the potty all day every day this week... we are still in pull ups at night but that will come in time..... When we started on Monday there were a couple accidents as well as Tuesday though Tuesday night Reed was DETERMINED to wear big boy underwear out to dinner with his Uncle Flo and Aunt Jennifer! Well we made it through dinner and the drive home DRY!!!! Wednesday Reed spent the day with his Ganna and Daddy Morgan. They said he did really well at their house then he went to church in big boy underwear and came home DRY yet again!!!! Today, he also wore big boy underwear to lunch and to the grocery store and came home DRY. Well as for the rest of the day NO ACCIDENTS!!!!!! NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!! I am ONE PROUD MAMA!!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Potty Training 101

Well this past Monday thanks to my WONDERFUL mom we started potty training boot camp! Since mom watches Reed while Carl and I are at AUM during the day it is GREAT that she is helping us in this adventure. As some of you know we have been trying to work on potty training for some time now... Back when Reed first used the potty he was in daycare at the church and them working with what we were trying to work with was pretty difficult. Well then when school got out Reed began staying with his Ganna and Daddy Morgan (Carl's parents) and they began working trying to get Reed to use the potty... well it worked somewhat in at least getting Reed to TRY to potty... he simply didn't get a skittle if he wouldn't try to potty.... well that began to not work. Finally, we are at the point that Reed is starting preschool in August and is supposed to be potty trained. Well this week we began potty training boot camp.

Monday- Day One: Reed wet his pants once and after that he used the potty until he went to bed last night.
Tuesday- Day Two: Reed had an accident while TRYING to make it to the potty, then he had one more accident (he was too excited his granddaddy was on his way and forgot). I am also pretty EXCITED to say we went out to dinner tonight in big boy underwear and we made it the whole time without an accident!!! As soon as we came in he ran to the potty and used it!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!! I am sooooo PROUD of him!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

June 20, 2011

Today I had my second literacy test. I did not feel as prepared as I should have been for it but who would when they were away on vacation for 3 1/2 days! I think the test wasn't as bad as I had envisioned it would be.... I guess we will see when I get my grade back. Carl has been super daddy the last couple of semesters as I am pushing through to graduate December 17th. He is also in the master's program in instructional design at AUM but being the loving husband he is he has put that on hold until I graduate in December. I couldn't ask more of him and I can't thank him enough for all he has done. Also, a HUGE thanks to both my parents and Carl's parents for all of their help with Reed as I push on to graduate! We will NEVER be able to thank you all enough for all you have done, do and will do in the coming months!

Our St. Simon's Island visit

        We left at about 6:00 last Thursday night to head to St. Simon's Island GA. I had projected via Google that the ride would be 6 hours and we would lose an hour changing to the eastern time zone... HA little did I know... Carl imputed the address of our hotel into the GPS and it pops up total drive time 7 hours and 10 minutes.... well I went with it and we drove and drove and drove. GA 16 is definitely the road to use if you are wanting to be the ONLY car on the road. We arrived about 1:30 central time.... of course Reed slept most of the car ride once it was dark... meaning he was WIDE awake when we got to the hotel.... bless his heart as soon as we got to the room and settled in to go to bed he says "I wanna go home". We talked to him and persuaded him that we were going to see airplanes and sand and the ocean when we woke up the next morning. He BOUGHT it!!!! WOO.... off to dreaming....
      We woke up the next morning to Reed telling us get up we "gone" see airplanes, and sand and the water. He was so excited. We spent only a few hours at the beach the first day as we were unaware there were no chairs or ANYTHING where we were. We went shopping and prepared ourselves for the next day along with watching all the people fish off of the pier (Reed's favorite thing the whole trip besides being on the beach). For dinner we had an AMAZING meal at Gnat's Landing... (thank you Bo Holt for the suggestion). We went back to the village and listened to some music for a while until basically a downpour came through. It rained every night that we were there but the sun was shining perfectly during the day! 
     The next morning we woke up and prepared to head to the beach. We decided to have Waffle House so we would be nice and full and would be able to stay at the beach longer. Reed was a NATURAL wave jumper and sand castle builder. We stayed at the beach most of the day... I got pretty burnt... after Reed had enough of the ocean we went to the historic and haunted lighthouse for a tour and to climb the 129 stairs all the way to the top. Reed scared me so bad sticking his arms and legs through the rails that high in the air. We survived and lived to tell about it though... it was a fun experience the only thing that I would have liked better is for the smoke to have cleared so we would actually have been able to see ocean for miles and miles. Reed was obsessed with a playground that was beside the pier and the lighthouse. He HAD to slide before we did ANYTHING else... that included dinner.... we let him slide for about 30 minutes then had to PRY him away to go to dinner. We are at Catch 228 or was it 226.... I can't remember... it was ok... not the best... at least my meal wasn't.... Reed ate peel and eat shrimp along with crab legs and crab claws.... he was in HEAVEN.... after dinner we went back to the hotel hoping Reed would go to sleep and we would be able to pack everything and be ready to head out first thing the next morning.... needless to say THREE hours later Reed was STILL awake!
      The next morning we had to get up and get moving to head home.... this time we took my directions and the drive was only SIX hours.... and we got an hour back coming back to the central time zone! We drove about half way then stopped for Father's Day Lunch at Chili's. Back on the road we drove all the way back home. Reed was clearly BORED because he asked 10000 questions, came up with 1000 things he was going to do when he got home and he made sure we knew he wanted Luke to be picked up right on our way home... he had a hard time understanding that the vet was closed on Sunday. We made it home about 4:30 and then I had to play catch up with laundry and studying for my second literacy test.